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St George Orthodox Church
Requirements for Voting Membership



To become/be a voting member of a Parish, a baptized and/or chrismated Orthodox
Christian man or woman must:
(i) be at least eighteen years of age;
(ii) partake of the sacraments of confession and communion, at least once a year, ordinarily in one's home Parish;
(iii) have belonged to/attended the Parish for six months;
(iv) have accepted and adhere to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopte of America;
(v) fulfill such financial obligations as the Episcopte Congress and Parish establish.

Such an individual applies to the Parish Priest to become a voting member of the Parish. With the approval of the Priest and after consultation with the Parish Council, the person is enrolled on the list of voting members of the Parish.

Newly-enrolled members may exercise the right to vote in the Parish Assembly and to be elected to an office in the Parish:
(i) upon payment of all established financial obligations, and;
(ii) after having been so enrolled for more than six months prior to said assembly.

No person can be a voting member in two parishes.

The financial obligation is $150 per person, with a reduced rate of $75 for students.
Membership fees are taken from the first $150 of donations made to the parish from the previous calendar year.


St. George is a community of Orthodox believers of diverse ethnic backgrounds celebrating the Liturgy in English in the heart of Canada.



Saturday: 5pm Vespers

Sunday: 9:30am Hours

               10:00am Divine Liturgy

               11:45am Fellowship Hour


121 Harvard Ave. E.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2C 0L9 Canada
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